Friday, November 30, 2007


What if the United States were preparing to hold a national election on a constitutional amendment that a foreign country didn’t like? What if that foreign country sent operatives into the United States to influence people’s votes and to stir up controversy? Would that be ok? Well, a CIA plan entitled, "OPERATION PLIERS," proposed to impede the recent Venezuelan constitutional referendum and then encourage the Venezuelans to refuse to recognize the results if the yes vote won. For more see:

Democracy Now and Venzuelian Analysis

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Blackwater Impunity

Did you know that after Blackwater USA security guards apparently killed 17 innocent civilians in Iraq, someone in the U.S. State Department granted those involved in the massacre, immunity from prosecution? Although Blackwater claims that the guards shot in self-defense, the Iraqi government, which has conducted its own investigation, concluded that the Blackwater guards fired the only shots in the incident and were completely at fault. In addition, a U.S. military investigation also concluded that the shootings were unprovoked. Why did the State Department then grant immunity and thereby hamper investigation and prosecution of the case? And even though the Iraqi government has called for the expulsion of Blackwater from the country, the U.S. government ignores Iraqi wishes. Rather than removing Blackwater, the U.S. government has extended its contract for another year.
For more information go to:

LATimes and WashPost and LATimes2

Video Length 9 min 54 sec

Genocide in The Congo

After the genocide in Rwanda, the Hutu militia came to the Congo and started killing and raping the Congolese population. Some claim that more than 200,000 women, children and babies have been raped. They rape anyone from 6-year-olds to those over 70. Worse, the rapists put hot plastics, wood and bamboo inside the females. They even sometimes shoot bullets into the vagina. Most Americans are totally unaware of the scale of Congolese violence which is a modern Holocaust. It has been reported that up to 4.7 million people might have died--the highest number of fatalities in any conflict since World War II. For more information go to:

BBC Report and NYTimes