Who is Mike Connell and why is he important? Connell, a computer whiz, was involved in most of the close Bush victories in 2000 and 2004. It is hypothesized that Connell was able to sift through the voter returns in Florida, Ohio and other states after the voting was finished but before the votes were made public and could modify vote counts in that process. Karl Rove apparently threatened Connell to not disclose any of this information. It is said Connell nevertheless decided to talk to the authorities but before that could happen, Connell was killed in the crash of his private plane, in spite of the fact that he was an experienced pilot and in spite of the report that Connell canceled two earlier flights because he was worried about sabotage to his plane.
The vitally important question here is what is the real story about vote fraud and if Connell could do it, others can as well. It could have happened in the 2008 election and it could again happen in 2012 unless it is investigated and, if true, rooted out.
For more see Existentialist and Huffington and OnLineJournal