Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shocking Massive Corruption in Iraq

The American people have not yet realized the massive scale and depth of corruption in Iraq that is not only siphoning off American wealth, but stolen weapons are being used to kill our own soldiers. Virtually every ministery in Iraq is involved in defrauding the U.S. taxpayer. Corruption is so rampant because it is part of the culture now and those who attempt to intervene are killed or run out of the country.

"Corruption, protected by senior members of the Iraqi government, remains untouchable." But it's not just Iraqis. The State and Defense Departments are also to blame. Ghost employees continue to "go along" with Iraqi officials. The U.S. handed out $9 billion in cash to Iraqis off the back of pickup trucks and doesn't know how any of it was spent or to whom it was given. Cases have been found where army officers steered millions of dollars in inflated contracts for bribes. The chief of the Government Accountability Office has said that the books of the Defense Department are in such disarray, that they are impossible to audit. What is even more intolerable is that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has declared that neither he nor his department heads can be investigated for corruption. And what do we do? Nada, zip, zilch, zero.
For more see: CSMonitor and New Standard

Video Length 6 min 51 sec

Video Length 11 min 8 sec

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