Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Great American Robbery

Is it any wonder that our Congress has robbed the federal treasury to pay back campaign supporters? It should not be a surprise because the so-called "bailout" is really a ruse for a massive payback to campaign contributors of members of Congress. Why else would Congress approve an open-ended giveaway to Wall Street without any strings attached?

Shouldn't banks use the money to help the economy?  Nope.  It turns out that banks can use the money however they want. Banks that are getting government bailout money are contemplating using it for other things -- like buying other banks and not adding it to the lending pool so they can make more loans and end the credit squeeze.  They are also paying big bonuses to the same executives that helped bring on the meltdown.  When the government agreed to bail out Wall Street, the goal was to provide funds to shore up banks' capital bases so they would start lending again. It wasn't to help them fund the bonus pool. But estimates run as much as $70 billion will get paid out in bonuses and extravagance to Wall Streeters this year. That amount equals 10% of the $700 billion bailout.

The $700 billion bailout was a perfect opportunity for Congress to collude with Mr. Wall Street himself, Ex-Goldman Sachs Chairman Hank Paulson, to raid the U.S. treasury at the expense of our grandcdhildren, with perfect knowledge that it wouldn't solve the subprime mortgage crisis, but would satisfy Wall Street/Congressional greed.

Video Length 6 min 30 sec

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jim Condit, Jr---the Anti-Semitic Monster

Jim Condit. Jr, a Holocaust denier, ran for Congress in the 2nd Congressional District of Ohio in 2006, but he is now running his anti-Semitic ads on radio and on his web site. It is not clear why he is regurgitating his filty hate message at this time. Perhaps he is readying another run for Congress in the future.

Condit's appeal is based on anti-Semitism. Condit claims that Jews were behind the 9/11 attack on America, that Jews are planning another attack and that Jews are trying to take down America by setting up a Jewish police state. His venomous diatribe is red meat for the unhinged element in our society and is therefore extremely dangerous. Condit's vile message must be boycotted. The video below is a sample of the outrageous anti-Semitism that Condit is spewing on his radio ads and his web site http://wagthedog2008.com

Video Length 7 min 52 sec

Condit is publishing videos like this on YOUTUBE.COM and defaming Jews all over the world. Here is an ad for his videos: Who are the NeoCons? Video
-- Multi-Part Series at YouTube.com/JimConditJr (coming soon); --- this series treats the forbidden issues of anti-Semitism and the real nature of the influence and history of that portion of those using the name "Jews" who are behind the organized Jewish Lobby (AIPAC, ADL, World Jewish Congress, etc.), which largely intersects with what amounts to the NeoCon Jewish Crime Syndicate which has seized control of the issue of money (thru the privately owned Fed) and Big Media in the USA, and from their control "our" disgusting Congress and last two Presidents.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fat Cat Salaries and their Failures

It is ironic that huge executive salaries, intended to create an incentive for success, in some cases have apparently done just the opposite. When a CEO is hired, compensation is seemingly offered tied to company success. But it often seems not to work that way. In too many cases, executives focus on boosting stock prices through gimmicks to profit in the short term at the expense of long term company health. Here is the case with four recent CEO's who ran their companies into the ground but wound up with huge rewards.

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, had a 2007 compensation of $69 million, in spite of his company's $4 billion loss. James Dimon, CEO of J.P. Morgan, receive $30 million while J.P. Morgan lost $4 billion. Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America received $16 million while the company lost almost $6 billion and Vikram Pandit of Citigroup received almost $6 million and BofA lost almost $8 billion. These figures do not include additional millions that some of them received by selling blocks of stock.

Video Length 4 min 40 sec

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lobbying Expenditures 1998-2008

Is it any wonder that big business and special interests dominate the U.S. Congress? Here are some of the top spenders.

US Chamber of Commerce $380 million
American Medical Assn $184 million
General Electric $167 million
American Hospital Assn $148 million
AARP $134 million
Pharmaceutical Rsrch Mfrs of America $130 million
Edison Electric Institute $118 million
Northrop Grumman $109 million
Business Roundtable $109 million
National Assn of Realtors $104 million
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $94 million
Freddie Mac $92 million
Boeing Co $89 million
General Motors $89 million
Lockheed Martin $86 million
Exxon Mobil $85 million
Verizon Communications $84 million
Southern Co $83 million
SBC Communications $79 million
Fannie Mae $77 million

Source: http://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/clientsum.php?

Video Length 5 min 40 sec