Jim Condit. Jr, a Holocaust denier, ran for Congress in the 2nd Congressional District of Ohio in 2006, but he is now running his anti-Semitic ads on radio and on his web site. It is not clear why he is regurgitating his filty hate message at this time. Perhaps he is readying another run for Congress in the future.
Condit's appeal is based on anti-Semitism. Condit claims that Jews were behind the 9/11 attack on America, that Jews are planning another attack and that Jews are trying to take down America by setting up a Jewish police state. His venomous diatribe is red meat for the unhinged element in our society and is therefore extremely dangerous. Condit's vile message must be boycotted. The video below is a sample of the outrageous anti-Semitism that Condit is spewing on his radio ads and his web site http://wagthedog2008.com
Condit is publishing videos like this on YOUTUBE.COM and defaming Jews all over the world. Here is an ad for his videos: Who are the NeoCons? Video -- Multi-Part Series at YouTube.com/JimConditJr (coming soon); --- this series treats the forbidden issues of anti-Semitism and the real nature of the influence and history of that portion of those using the name "Jews" who are behind the organized Jewish Lobby (AIPAC, ADL, World Jewish Congress, etc.), which largely intersects with what amounts to the NeoCon Jewish Crime Syndicate which has seized control of the issue of money (thru the privately owned Fed) and Big Media in the USA, and from their control "our" disgusting Congress and last two Presidents.
My blood pressure rose when I read this........Vicki Doukas
Deny the holocaust???? I have family that survived the concentration camps.
Sometimes freedom of speech is a terrible thing to waste.
Condit is a jackass. My husband and I were invited to what was described as a presentation and book signing at a hotel in Covington about 11 or 12 years ago by a lady that neither of us had ever met face to face. We got there only to find out it was a talk given by some neo nazi that was denying the holocaust and had been kicked out of Canana and some other countries for his hate mongering views (sorry can't remember the man's name). After demanding that our names be removed from the guest list Jim Condit claimed that this was sponsored by a business man in Cincinnati; and he had no idea who was going to speak. Condit did not expect a white man to show up with his hispanic wife. As the entire audience was white and appeared to be middle class. I'm not claiming that white people are racist. I am saying that these people were sympathetic to the neo nazi cause. Also it took us about a 1/2 hour to figure out what the speaker was talking about; because he did not say the word jews. He referred to them as "my friends" and was careful about his comments for the first 30 minutes. Then he went into why the holocaust was made up etc. My husband looked and me and said, "Honey we're at a neo-nazi meeting." I was flabergasted.
Jim Condit's wife left him and their divorce will be final soon. It is always interesting to me how these crusaders want to save the world, but cannot save their own families. Mr. Condit is so busy denigrating Jews that he cannot take the time to see his own log in his eye, the spects in the Jew's eyes simply take up all his time.
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